• बेतन कर्णाली सञ्चयकर्ता हाइड्रोपावर कं. लि.मा यहाँहरुलाई स्वागत छ
  • दिपक थापा
  • कृष्ण प्रसाद आचार्य

हाम्रो बारेमा

Betan Karnali Sanchaya Karta Hydropower Company Limited (BKSHCL) was established on 7th May, 2017 (2074-01-24 B.S) as a public limited company under the Company Act, 2063 of Nepal as an initiative of the Karmachari Sanchaya Kosh (KSK), or the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) in English. The major shareholders of the company are the contributors of KSK (40% shareholding). Other shareholders include KSK (15%), Nepal Electricity Authority (10%) and Vidhyut Utpadan Company Limited (10%). The authorized and paid-up capital of the company are: Twenty Billion and Ten Billion Nepali Rupees respectively... थप >

पछिल्ला अपडेटहरु

आयोजना परिचय

Project Name: Betan Karnali Hydroelectricity Project (BKHEP)
Type: Peaking Run of the River (PRoR)
Capacity: 439 MW 
Location: Karnali, Province 7; Surkhet and Achham Districts; Chaukune of Surkhet  and Dhakari of Achham Gaunpalika; 81011'43'' to 81024'42'' E; 280 50'57'' to 28056'04'' N
Hydrology: Catchment area: 22,511Km2; Annual Mean Flow: 554m3/s; Maximum Monthly Discharge: 1610m3/s; Minimum Monthly Discharge: 135m3/s; Design Discharge: 536m3/s
Power and Energy: FSL:  473.3 m; TWL: 374 m; Power: 439 MW; Total Energy: 2299 GWH; Wet Energy: 1610 GWH; Dry Energy: 689 GWH
Transmission Line: Length: 5 Km, Substation: Puchma
Estimated Cost: NRs.74 Billion Without IDC